Monday, December 11, 2006

Monday's story

Hello all, as its monday I have a story for you, yestrday ( sunday) I went on a trip on the merolink, some photographs of which can be viewed by going to my flickr site (see the links section on the left of this page).

A long while ago before Dralik’s could fly, there was a Dralik who nobody liked, All the other Dralik’s were very cruel to him.

They would hide the entrance to the lift so as he could not go up the stairs and laugh at him as he cried Then one day a fairy somehow got in through a open window she wasnt an ordinary fairy she was old and tired, when a fairy retires they’re last magic spell is always the most powerful, This fairy was reaching the age of retirement and wasn’t sure what to do to end as she saw very few soles fit for magic, but on this particular day she saw this Dralik who nobody wanted around and though Hmmm, she waved he magic wand and sprinkled fairy dust on the Dralik then POOF the Dralik was transformed into a good well meaning Dralik known as Darlisa,

well as all Dralik’s are male they were of course very interested in this new female Dralik, and fell head of heels in love, but because they hadn’t had any respect for the now Darlisa they were out of luck, the Dralik’s realised the errors of their ways and as they watched the fairy retire and Darlisa go out into the world saving others from wandering Dralik’s they started to cry, as Dralik’s are electronic they exploded. When DR who the new 2005 show was made Tom Baker in particular showed some great concerns that Dralik’s should be included and so he and all the other ex DR who’s went back in the tardis to before this story began and brought back 2 Dralik’s they were cloned and genetically modified to fly so as they could op up stairs, this was important as story lines without stairs were hard to find these days.

This by the way is why Tom Baker narrates little Britain because he was felt to be such an important contributor to society.

This story came from my Hero's and villains project for which I had to design a poster, pictured right. I created other characters too called Robus, the captin and futusoc. Currently though only Darlisa has a story.Do you think they should all have stories?

next week's story will be about Dinah the cat and her untold adventure,

by the way please do comment you don't have to register just click the comment button at the bottom of the page, Id love to know what you think other then my spelling is bad (hehe), particularly if you have any thoughts about my memoir entry, thanks to PAD by the way as he was the first ever to comment.

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