Wednesday, December 6, 2006


What is MTN
MTN stands for multi textured navigation, its the name Ive given to my project that I am currently working on, the project is 2 years long and started in part last september.
MTN Is a Resource pack for anyone with an ASD Autstic Spectrum Disorder who wants to go into Higher Education.The pack is also acting as my Final Major Project which is like a dissertation but at level 3 so basically a project which incoprates diffrent aspects of my course.
The pack will contain 3 things.

1. A video diary I started out writing a report about every uni that I visited, then I had a meeting with UCAS and started doing an audio diary, in march this year I bought a video camera and thus it became a video diary, Im also quite a keen photographer ( hence all the photographs) so I am intergrating stills into this project thus I can put any intresting audio clips over the top, and I can narrate my writtern work, the video diary follows every aspect of the pre application process, so from deciding what I want to study to visiting uni's and the travel and cost that is involved/
2. Workbook a set of worksheets for students to fill in that encourage them to think. For example on the below video diary entry ( see Tuesday below) the worksheet might consist of questions about wheather the student wants to study away from home, or how far they are preapred to travel everyday, The worksheets will of course be phtoocopyable and design as such, so every student can make up their own workbook to keep .
3. Introduction to Asperger's for staff I want the resource pack to be usable by any memebr of staff with a student, the ideal situation of course is that the staff member has had some training in ASD's but thats not always the case so the introduction to Asperger's aims to give staff a short introduction through a short film shot hopfully in first person prespective about the daily experiances of Asperger's although this dosnt cover other areas of the spectrum all that well it would be a too bigger challange to make my first short film about the whole spectrum beacuse its so complex and this film is for staff who dont know anything or know very little about the spectrum and Aspergers, but of course if a stfaf member has already has some training then It ca be used as a refresher, Im hoping to use this in my training session in the future.

MTN's orgins
When I came to think about going to uni I didnt find very much usful infomation there wasnt much first person experaince and some of the infomation I found made me fele like I was already studying for a degree reading it as it was so boring.So I wanted to create somthing that would be fun for people to use, or at least funner then anything currently avliable.
When I first found teh lack of infomation I contacted UCAS and asked if they could provide some infomation, well they didnt really have anything that was helpful but they were preapred to meet with me and disscus the issues that I raised, which they did I aws really pleased to met somone from UCAS and we talked about all sorts of background issues such as the school experiance which is often bad for somone such as myself, we focused mainly on autsim beacuse from experiace of havinga physical disability it is possible to get support quite easily as uni's etc alreday understand the implications of having CP in general of course I cant speack for all of them, but autsim confuses people and its not really supriisng as there is so much bad infomation out there its no wonder people have misconceptions, its not their fault that infomastion is often patchy and inconsitant. So thats one of the reasons why I started training beacuse it is somthing I can do that postivly impacts other people on the spectrum. I also use it as my reasoning behind working so hard on autsim related projects beacuse I feel that those on the spectrum can have such a hard time, I know that equality dosnt run throughout every aspect of life but I feel that there is greater acceptance and awarness of physical disabillities and of some learning disbaility such as Dyslexia. In other worlds tell a teacher your Dyslexic they will at least have some idea what that means even if they dont have the full picture but tell a teacheer your autstic and there often lost. Of course not all teachers fall into the two sceniros above, there are teachers who know about autsim as there are teachers who no very little about Dyslexia but I feel that autsim is misunderstood and therfore if I can provide any kind of usful infomation to others or support to my fellow autstics's then I should.
Current progress
There isnt very much progress just at the moment as I cant start my FMP (Final major project) until febuary so until then Im making diary entries and practising my video editing skills, and composistion.
so please let me know your thoughts.

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